Tahitian Noni 60 Capsules Noni Fruit Extract
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Tahitian Noni 60 Capsules Noni Fruit Extract
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A very convenient way to make sure you get your daily dose of Noni!! Especially convenient when travelling.
Noni (Morinda Citrifolia) is an evergreen, fruit-bearing tree originally from Asia that has spread throughout the world in almost all tropical and sub-tropical regions.
The Morinda Citrifolia is an evergreen shrub or small tree, with shiny, dark green leaves, that bears a multitude of small white flowers. The flower heads grow into small bumpy fruits, which turn from green to yellow and then to white as they ripen and ultimately fall from the branch. Medicinal properties are believed to reside in the leaves, roots, and especially the distinctive fruits.
Noni contains naturally occurring minerals, enzymes, anti-oxidants, vitamins, phytonutrients and bioflavonoids.
Noni Fruits
Noni was traditionally used to cleanse and purify, as a remedy against illness, as a well-being tonic, to aid digestion, to heal abrasions, to reduce swelling and inflamed joints and reduce pain.
In modern times, Noni is being reported as contributing to miraculous life - changing health improvements with many ailments.
Nutrients in Noni
More than 150 nutraceuticals have been identified in the Noni fruit from Tahiti. Scientists have shown that this amazing plant can help support the immune system and assist hormones that co-ordinate bodily function and help cells absorb nutrients.
Some of these nutraceuticals include anthraquinones, beta-carotene, calcium, linoleic acid, magnesium, pectin, potassium, proline, protein, proxeronine, proxeroninease, scopoletin, beta-sitosterols, sterols, phenylalanine & tyrosine, ursolic acid, all the B vitamins & antioxidants like vitamin C, proanthocyanadins & anthocyanadins.
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